AJR  Cliché Corner
From AJR,   May 1996

Cliché corner   

By Suzan Revah
Suzan Revah is a former AJR associate editor.     

"..the cadaverous comedian did 30 minutes of the same tasteless, over-the-top, disrespectful humor he has been doing on the radio for a quarter of a century. But, somehow, the company was shocked, shocked, that the shock jock was shocking." ( New York Times )

"Speaking of..interviews, one with Roseanne in the May issue of Spin shocked, shocked General Motors and Chrysler so much that they pulled five pages of ads." ( San Diego Union-Tribune )

"Pat Buchanan, when told one of his top advisers is a white supremacist, said 'I'm shocked, shocked!' " ( Fort Lauderdale's Sun-Sentinel )

"But perhaps the British are simply having too much fun being shocked--shocked--by the exploits of the royals to allow Charles to enjoy the staid life he craves with woodsy Camilla?" ( Boston Globe )

"What is depressing is that the mass-media pundits keep telling us that they are shocked--shocked!--by this kind of campaigning." ( CNN )

from over 50 references during the past two months
