AJR  The Beat
From AJR,   July/August 2002

Just Fine   

After being passed over for the editor’s job, Pam Fine resigns as managing editor of Minneapolis’ Star Tribune.

By Kathryn S. Wenner
Kathryn S. Wenner, a former AJR associate editor, is a copy editor at the Washington Post.     

Shortly after Anders Gyllenhaal is named the next editor of Minneapolis' Star Tribune (see Bylines, June), Managing Editor Pam Fine, who had applied for the job, hands in her resignation. "It's a good time to start anew," says Fine, 45, who came to the paper as ME in 1994 after being assistant managing editor at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "I love newspapers and plan to stay associated with the industry.... I don't know if I'm going to wind up in a newsroom or what I'm going to do.... I'm really open to any position and not foreclosing anything." Though she admits it may sound corny, "What I will most take away is the realization that it takes a village to put out a good newspaper.... While a strong leader is necessary, even more necessary is nurturing and capitalizing on the interest and the skills and the passion of the people who work for you."
