AJR  Features
From AJR,   January/February 1994

In Other News...   

Chuck Shepherd, who compiles the syndicated weekly column “News of the Weird,” offers his favorite clips

By Unknown

Chuck Shepherd, who compiles the syndicated weekly column "News of the Weird," offers his favorite clips:

  • James Quello, then-acting FCC chairman, said he "wouldn't be a bit surprised if someday a lightning bolt comes out of the sky and hits [Howard Stern] right in the crotch."

  • Los Angeles mayoral candidate Tom Houston scheduled a news conference 60 feet under water in Santa Monica Bay to publicize an environmental program. The lone reporter who showed up got seasick, and Houston had to be rescued after he got 10 feet down.

  • The New Yorker reported that artist Nancy Rubins' work, displayed at a local gallery, consisted of a room nearly filled with "old mattresses dotted with mounds of partially mashed Entenmann's cakes and sus- pended a few inches off the floor." No other information was given.
