Officially Speaking
How many named names were among the dozens of sources in this 3,400-word article? Officially? Four.
Jeff Gillenkirk
Gillenkirk ( is a member of San Francisco Media Alliance's Latin America/Caribbean Basin Committee.
Officials say the following is a source list,
in order of appearance, from a December 29, 1997, New York Times article
by Tim Golden headlined "U.S. Helps Mexico's Army Take a Big Anti-Drug
United States and Mexican officials
United States officials
Two people
Clinton Administration officials
Many officials
A former senior official
Some officials
A few other current and former United States officials
American officials
Many American officials
A senior American official
A senior drug-enforcement official
Pentagon spokesman Kenneth H. Bacon
James R. Jones, former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
American officials
Current and former officials
Mexican law-enforcement officials
Two former officials
A former official
Former officials
The officials
United States officials
Current and former American officials
United States officials
One of Mr. Zedillo's closest aides
Mexican and United States military officials
A Pentagon official
Defense Department officials
Mexican and United States military officials
American officials
Several American officials
Some Mexican police investigators
American officials
A former intelligence official
Gen. Juan Heriberto Salinas Altes
Clinton Administration officials
Mexican officials
Defense Department officials
Many United States officials
Clinton Administration officials
Many United States officials
Officials familiar with American intelligence
Two American officials
United States officials
Gen. Tomas Angeles Dauahare
One current and one former American official