"I believe the interview is being conducted in Geniusville."
-- David Letterman, on the news that Larry King was going to interview Paris Hilton after Hilton got out of jail
"[W]atching [Paris] Hilton for an hour was in its way more edifying and encouraging than enduring more hateful rants from publicity hound Ann Coulter on MSNBC's 'Hardball With Chris Matthews' the night before... Next to Coulter, Paris Hilton is pure refreshment."
--Washington Post critic Tom Shales
"[President] Bush really hates long, pompous questions and he feels if he gives us too much lead time, we will go rancidly thespian and grandiose at his press conferences. He's probably right."
-- Julie Mason, blogging for the Houston Chronicle
"The media, especially the print media, couldn't conspire to raffle off a turkey, let alone cook an election."
--Philadelphia Daily News columnist John Baer
"What I do think is interesting is that some of the comedy news programs are so frequently more successful than the established news programs in presenting some of the more provocative--dare I say inconvenient--truths that emerge from the daily narrative of American democracy. Just as the court jester was sometimes the only truth sayer who could avoid having his head off in medieval feudal courts, a similar phenomenon appears to have emerged in our culture."
-- Al Gore, in an interview with the Politico's John Harris
"It's a bad time for me, and a bad time for the paper, but most importantly, I think it's a bad time for the democracy."
--John Curley, deputy managing editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, who was laid off--along with many of his colleagues--after 25 years at the paper ###