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June/July 2004
Bouncing Back
Public support for First Amendment freedoms has rebounded to pre-9/11 levels, according to a new First Amendment Center/AJR survey. Additional survey results focusing on media credibility in the wake of the recent epidemic of plagiarism and fabrication will appear in the August/September issue of AJR.   > read more

"We Mean Business"

In the wake of Jayson Blair, Jack Kelley and numerous other instances of fabrication and plagiarism, the nation's newspapers are scrutinizing their operations and stiffening their defenses against ethical lapses.   > read more
By  Jill Rosen
Quicker and Deeper?
That's the ambitious goal NPR has set for itself as it continues to evolve into a primary source of news. Its audience and endowment have grown dramatically, as has its roster of foreign correspondents. But some fear the heightened emphasis on breaking news will come at the expense of depth and innovative programming.   > read more
By  Lori Robertson
The Expanding Blogosphere
Political blogs--online journals featuring commentary, often highly opinionated--have rapidly become a presence in the campaign landscape. Now some established news organizations are hiring established bloggers or creating their own. How much impact does this instant punditry have on mainstream political reporting?   > read more
By  Rachel Smolkin
Voice of the People
Washington Post correspondent Anthony Shadid has focused on how the war in Iraq and its bitter aftermath have affected the lives of the people who live there. His vivid reporting under dangerous conditions won him a Pulitzer. But his approach is not without critics.   > read more
By  Sherry Ricchiardi
Caught in the Crossfire
Perhaps no topic elicits so much bitter criticism as coverage of the Middle East. As hard-line supporters of Israel and the Palestinians wage a proxy war via e-mail, threatening phone calls and demonstrations, correspondents and news organizations find themselves the targets of condemnation, often highly personal.   > read more
By  Barbara Matusow
Unsung Hero
With his ahead-of-the-curve reporting from Vietnam for Time magazine and influential management stints at the Los Angeles Times, Sacramento Bee and San Francisco Examiner, Frank McCulloch was one of the great journalists of the past 50 years. Unfortunately, far too few people know that.   > read more
By  Marlena Telvick  Jason Felch
First Person: Thinking Big
Covering major international stories can pay significant dividends for regional newspapers.   > read more
By  Glenn Guzzo
Letter From Baghdad: Not That Independent
Building objective news outlets is a challenge in a land of newfound freedom.   > read more
By  Jill Carroll
Corrections   > read more
A Walk up Eighth Avenue
And some random thoughts about journalism   > read more
By  Thomas Kunkel
Picking up the Pieces
USA Today's embarrassment is also a splendid opportunity.   > read more
By  Rem Rieder
Dissing Web Journalism
Contrary to what NAB's president says, the Internet has done plenty for community service.   > read more
By  Barb Palser
Virtual News Reports
CNN and local TV stations were guilty accomplices in allowing a government-produced VNR on the air.   > read more
By  Deborah Potter
Scalia and His Speeches
A little-known federal statute should have protected journalists from having their recordings confiscated.   > read more
By  Jane Kirtley
Trading Papers
York's colorful newspaper history continues: The owners of the city's two dailies swap publications.   > read more
By  John Morton
Photos of the Fallen
The controversy over coffin photos illustrates news organizations' frustrations with depicting death in the Iraq war.   > read more
By  Rachel Smolkin
Not Just a Magazine, a Lifestyle   > read more
By  Jen Slingland
The Reporter-Author Balancing Act
Despite Bob Woodward's newsy books, he says his philosophy is the paper comes first.   > read more
By  Mark Lisheron
Q&A   > read more
By  Melissa Cirillo
Online News Sites Lure Political Junkies   > read more
By  AJR Staff
Not What They Had in Mind
Review of "The Problem of the Media" by Robert McChesney
A persistent critic says today's press isn't what the founding fathers envisioned.   > read more
Book review by  Carl Sessions Stepp
"The Elephants of Style: A Trunkload of Tips on the Big Issues and Gray Areas of Contemporary American English" by Bill Walsh
McGraw Hill
240 pages; $14.95   > read more
Book review by  Carl Sessions Stepp
The Right Note?
USA Today's music-loving new editor could be what the beleaguered paper needs.   > read more
By  Rachel Smolkin
"She's the One"
Award-winning investigative reporter takes the helm in Lexington, Kentucky.   > read more
By  Dana Hull
Cliché Corner   > read more
The Kelley Affair   > read more
Journalists and Guns   > read more
I Beg to Differ   > read more